It has averaged several of these poofs with rumbles, varying in intensity, daily since we've arrived here... We've not ventured very close by foot... yet...
Every moment of every day is an opportunity for inspired learning. A key is unschooling ourselves as parents, so we don't get in the way. We must change to learn, to listen, to what our children communicate without being limited to language. A new way of "being" becomes possible. Learning is a organic, individual phenomenon, unique as the unfolding of flowers. Thanks for sharing on our unique journey finding Freedom through unschooling.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Complete with a rope swing
I saw triple flips and back flops ouch... lots of fun.. the locals are amazing how they know this swim hole. .
Local Swimming Hole
A favorite and most fun place for sure. Everyone should swim under some waterfalls somewhere, at least once.. or else at least consider that I spent extra time enjoying this for you.
Swimming hole, Costa Rican style
Just a short walk to this great swimming hole... waterfalls to swim behind, good diving rocks, perfectly refreshing clean water and a rope swing. .. who could ask for more!
Arenal Vulcan. .. Active volcano
No worries. . It is already erupting and lava flow is far far away.. on the other side.. to see it we must go around mountain and then it is best at night.. when we do we'll post pictures. . Enjoyed hotsprings rushing river swim yesterday. .